Sunday, August 16, 2009

1ST Family Vacation

I arrived back home yesterday from our 1st Family Vacation. We went away to Cape Cod for a week and had a blast. Our baby girl was sooo good. It was nice to be with my family 24/7 for 9 days. How lucky am I!! We ate out, went for ice cream, visited museums, did a duck tour, laid out on the beach and did a ton of shopping. It was great!
I think 8 months was the perfect age to take our baby away. My daughter doesn't walk so I am still in control, but she can sit up and use a high chair. Her naps aren't too inconvenient and she can stay up til 8- 8:30 tops. She loved the beach and didn't complain at all, especially since she can't really talk yet.
In the beginning of the week I would constantly try to prevent her from putting her sand toys in her mouth. By the end of the week her shovel became her new teething toy. What can I say, she is going to do it whether I go crazy or not. And dinners, my word I started ordering stuff off the menu because she wanted to be like the adults. At one restaurant I couldn't take the menu away from her so I let her play with it while we ate.
She went on a boat for the first time, ate ice cream and loved every minute of it. Looking at the pictures made me realize how lucky I am. I have this perfect little family, and by perfect I mean of course not PERFECT to everyone but perfect for me. I have a husband who adores me and my baby and a baby who adores us.
I am looking forward to the many family vacations we'll have together. It is great building memories and being away from the daily duties. We tend to get caught up in everyday life that is nice to take a break from them once in a while and really enjoy one another.

So now it's back to reality. The mail is all sorted, the bags are unpacked and put away. Tomorrow is another day, back to the daily grind, but for now I'll just enjoy the last hours of my day!

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