Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby Girl FINALLY Got It Right!

I am always amazed how no matter what I give my daughter it goes directly into her mouth. They say that is how they learn. The funny thing is every time I give her food, the only thing that SHOULD go in her mouth, it seems to make it's way every where else but there.

My doctor suggested that once her index finger and thumb could hold a piece of food that was when she would be ready to feed herself. You'll notice children before then will pick up a fist full of food and by the time they try to make it to their mouth it has normally fallen or has gotten stuck between their buggy fingers. My doggies LOVE when my daughter gets a fist full because that means the food normally makes its way all over the floor and THEY are the ones who get a mouthful.

But this morning my baby girl FINALLY got it right! I made her scrambled eggs and when she was about half way done some dropped onto her try. I just left them there thinking she'll love to smash them between her sticky fingers like usual. But to my surprise she picked up one little scrambled egg between her index finger and thumb and made it into her mouth.

HOORAY!!! I felt a HUGE sense of accomplishment and praised her over and over again as if she won the noble prize. And yes this is a huge sign that my baby girl is growing up and instead of feeling sad I am beginning to feel that my hard work is finally starting to pay off!

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