Saturday, August 1, 2009

Breakfast for Two

I always enjoyed a hearty egg white sandwich in the morning. I always felt so wasteful tossing the yoke in the garbage. It's not that they aren't good for you, it's just I never really liked the taste of them. One day it dawned on me, why not keep the yokes and scramble them for the baby! So that's what I did. I didn't want to add any salt or oil in case she had a reaction. They say babies can be allergic to eggs and so I wanted to add as less as possible to them. So needless to say as I practiced I had to threw them out quite a few times, until I finally got them right.
Here's how to make them:
I always coat a frying pan with no stick cooking spray. I fry the eggs whites and leave the yokes aside in a separate bowl. Once my breakfast is done, I remove the egg whites and lower the heat. With a fork beat the yokes with a tablespoon of water. Add them to the frying pan and start scrambling. Once you see the pan getting a little dry add another tablespoon of water. This helps cook the eggs while keeping them nice and moist. Once complete enjoy your breakfast for two.
How easy was that! You just made an easy, hearty, breakfast for two with the mess for one! I must say my daughter is a huge fan. Enjoy!!

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