Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Help Ease Teething Discomfort

My daughter is teething and I feel so bad for her. I always catch her gnawing on something from the corner of my eye. So to help ease her teething discomfort I came up with some "chilling" tips.

  • Cut an apple & freeze the core. Make sure to leave some apple on it in case when they are gnawing on it if it defrosts there will be some apple left. My daughter loves this!
  • Keep baby orajel in the fridge so when you apply it's nice and cold.
  • Add one ice cube to their sippy cup. The cold water feels great on their gums.
  • Freeze big slices of watermelon and let your baby gnaw away!


  1. Baby orajel is very bad for babies. Ask your doctor about it.

  2. Hi Anonymous

    Thank you for reading my blog. I am not a doctor so the advice I post is at out experience only. My doctor has never objected to me giving orajel to my child. I do believe we should not abuse this and do not give it to them throughout the day. But once, to help ease discomfort, should not be harmful.
