Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mommy DOES Know Best

I had my first lesson with "Mommy Knows Best" with my 8 month old daughter. She's at that age where she wants to touch EVERYTHING and as I watch myself saying "no" or "don't touch" she seems to do it anyway. Until yesterday when she finally learned.

I was making sauce. I decreased the temperature on the stove, turned the sauce with a spoon and as I began to take the spoon out of the pot I watched my daughter eagerly embrace the opportunity to grab it. I said "no" and tried to give an explanation of why she should not touch it but by then it was too late.

The spoon grazed her hand and the tears started to stream out. I lifted her up, made eye contact and said in a normal tone of voice "See I told you not to touch it for a reason. The spoon was too hot and now you hurt your hand. You have to learn to listen and trust me. Always trust me."

We had a brief moment of understanding between the two of us. It kind of made ME want to cry. For the first time it really hit me that I was not only her mother, I was her teacher. I will have to shape this little girl to be who she is. Yes, she will still do things even when I tell her not to, but I will have to be there to do my best to explain what's right and wrong and why it's right or wrong.

I watched how fast she changed when I made my way back to the pot to finish turning the sauce. This time she kept her hands in and leaned forward to watch what I was doing. My job for the day was done. I succeeded in teaching her one of many lessons in life to come. I was proud that day to be her mom!