Saturday, August 29, 2009

Who's the real victim here?

I want to begin this blog by apologizing if I offend anyone after reading what I am about to write. I come from a family who taught me that in life you get what you work for. My parents were foreigners that made themselves who they are today by working hard, not complaining and having others do for them. So again, if you are offended I am sorry but my voice needs to be heard.

After becoming a mom it became clear to me the importance of providing for your family. It isn't about the number of shoes you have or the nicest clothes you wear it was about taking charge and providing for what mattered, your family!

Lately I have seen many things I have not or choose not to see before. I see married couples living off their parents and having children year after year while playing the victim because they can't take the best vacation or have the newest cars. I've seen educated people have family worry about how they are going to raise their unborn children. I have even seen my family and friends give to us over and over again and our daughter having more than she could image. And then I began to see the young mom's who have a child without insurance and make the best of their situation and I ask myself this ,and I am truly trying to be as genuine as possible, who is the real victim?

Why would someone want people to pity them when they don't want to help themselves?? Why are we the ones worrying about them when they aren't making an effort to worry about themselves. They cry poor me, they have their children ask others to buy them things but yet they are the ones home every weekend and by 5 every night? And we the fools tend to help them FIRST over the REAL victims. The real victims are young girls who made mistakes and got pregnant without even having the proper education to get a decent job.

I am frustrated because for years I fed into the "non victims" playing victims so they wouldn't have to do for themselves. I've seen us run to them the minute someone gives us something they could use. Reality is the people who need these things are making the best of their situation so their voices are not being heard.

I think more importantly I am mad at myself for not helping the people who really need the help! I came across a high chair and thought I would hold on to it in case a family member needed it and I know my family members are not the ones that need these things.

I was pissed at myself for not thinking about the real reason you help people. You help people that need help because it makes you feel good. My family and friends are capable of buying these things so now I am going to give it to some one who could REALLY use this. Someone who borrowed a friends with pride, some one who would appreciate it, not expect or demand it.

The whole point is we are raising the children of the future. We are their teachers. The young mom and dads are raising their children to work hard and be depend on themselves, while the educated, financially stable are teaching them to rely on others. People wake up!

It is time to take responsibilities for ourselves and our actions and most importantly our children. Yes, accidents happen, yes we have unplanned pregnancy, but for those who know already what it's like to have children if you can not handle more then stop having more. Stop depending on others because the reality of this whole message is one day your children will need YOU and if YOU can't even help yourself then how can you help them!

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