Saturday, October 24, 2009

Quick Breakfast Recipes to Enjoy All Week

Hate making breakfast every morning? Why not cook in advance using these two yummy recipes that you’ll get to enjoy all week!
Egg Burrito- Nothing is easier than this recipe. Scramble up eggs, put in a wrap, fill with cheese, cooked onions, peppers, turkey sausage or turkey bacon, fold wrap, spray with cooking spray, then top with shredded cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. The trick it to let them cool completely then store in a container or aluminum foil. When ready to eat pop into microwave for 1 minute or back into the toaster. YUM! My daughter loves to share this with me in the morning and my husband loves them with salsa.

Egg Frittata- This is a yummy treat you can snack on not only in the morning but throughout the day. Scramble 7 eggs, I like to do 3 yoke, 4 whites. Add two table spoon of ricotta cheese- ok to leave out if you don't have it. Add 1/4 cup of milk salt and pepper to taste and some shredded cheese. I like cheddar. Now you can have fun with this and add turkey bacon, sausage, onions or ham. Make sure the bacon and sausage are cooked first. Pour into sprayed round Pyrex and bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes. Store in refrigerator once cooled and when ready to eat pop a slice in the microwave for 45 sec to 1 minute. You can even add a slice of cheese on top before you place in microwave.

Now all of these recipes can be low carb and low fat - The frittata is already because it is just eggs, so you can use skim milk and low fat ricotta cheese. The burritos are so good with low carb wraps and reduced fat cheese. ENJOY!

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