Monday, November 23, 2009

Donate to a Local Child In Need

I saw an ad for our local Children's Bank in Connecticut called Children's Connection. They are located in Norwalk and you can call and get a name and age of a child who needs a gift for this Holiday season.
Most of the kids have a request and they are not more than a $30 wish. I called and some of the requests were for a doll, truck or books and art supplies. The gift you purchase will most likely be the ONLY gift they will receive this Christmas and holiday season.
I know we can't help them all but if you can just help one it will make a difference. Call today 203-849-1111  or call your local Human Services Council's Children's Connection.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Spread a Little Love

I realize we all know someone in a tight situation and with the ecomony a roller coaster I think we all need to take a step back and spread a little love!

We get caught up in what we want, not what we need and do things and say things without realizing who will be affected or hurt by our actions. We tend to live in the present instead of plan a little for tomorrow and step on one another to get where we want to be.

Deep down I believe that it is our good nature to do something kind for someone, without anything in return and give a little and expect a little less and remember that we all have feelings . We have to accept the fact that we will have a little more than some people and  a little less than others but being a good person doesn't take much effort and the award is very fullfuling.

So with that all said do something today or tomorrow or even during the holiday season to give or help or donate and most of all spread the love, because it's free, takes a little effort and we all know someone who could use a little extra of it!  

Baby's 1st Steps

Baby girl took her first steps all alone. She walked 3 steps and it took my breath away. She was wiggling and wobbling but did it. It was great because her daddy and I both got to witness it and we were sooo proud of her!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kitchen Cleaning Tip

When you are wiping down your counter top located above your dishwasher I noticed if I open up my dishwasher all the access crumbs land in there and not the floor. Therefore, saving me the extra step of having to sweep up after I clean!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Baby girl's 1st Halloween was a lot of fun. She was the cutest Pebbles and I must say the costume we made came out sooooo cute!!! My Mom, Sister and I put some work into it. I spent about $10 on the WHOLE thing, under shirt and all!! Not bad right! She loved it and she even kept the bone in her hair all night!!