Thursday, December 31, 2009


Tell me what you're looking forward to in 2010?


Wow another year has come and gone! The New Year always reminds me of all the good that really has happened in one year. My baby grew from being an itsy bitsy thing to a toddler who loves Dora and claps when she does something good. I got an amazing position working from home. My sister got engaged. My friendships grew. My family grew. And all the bad that has happened now makes sense to me and we can finally laugh about it. I guess its true when they say that "we will always have bad days but the good ones are just around the corner!" How blessed are we all! Yes 2009 was rough, yes the economy hurt, but we are all here to celebrate together and that alone is a huge blessing. So here's a big cheers to letting go of 2009 and welcoming 2010! HAPPY NEW YEARS AND BEST WISHES FOR A WONDERFUL 2010!!