Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cooking Tip

Tips when making Pesto Sauce:

  • I always like to add some spinach in with the basil.
  • Today I tried something new and added some leaves from my garden celery.
  • I can't take credit for this tip I heard but it is clever. Add the parmigiana cheese at the end so the heat from the blender doesn't melt it and you get a richer flavor.

Surving Baby's First Sleep Over

Last night we survived our first night without the baby sleeping home with us. My husband and I thought it would be best for her to sleep out since we had plans that would run very late. Although she was staying at my parent's house I must admit I wasn't thrilled with the idea.My husband was not 100% about it either and found it even hard to drop her off at the house to say goodbye so I had to do it alone. Luckily we knew she would sleep through the night and would not realize we were gone, but waking up this morning with out her was tougher than we thought.

I think when you become a parent you tend to judge other people's parenting skills less. YES LESS. And I will tell you why.

Before children many people I knew would leave their babies very young- and young I mean a couple of months old for the night with family when they didn't have any plans and would stay in. At the time I didn't agree with it. I felt if you were home why would you leave a baby so young with someone else. Today, being a parent, I now think it was something they needed at the time and it worked for them. When I first became a parent I realized that my husband and I needed to raise our daughter the way that worked best for US! Not the way other people did but the way we chose.

The reason I say this is because people may think that 8 months old is an appropriate age to sleep out. Some people may say it's too young. I say we discussed it and decided that we both needed a night with old friends and we both didn't think having a babysitter stay till early morning would be fair to them.

However, will I have her sleep out this young while my husband and I stay home on a Saturday night? NO. I enjoy having my baby home, I enjoy waking up to her in the morning and laying with her in bed and watch cartoons. I believe those kind of nights are for when they are 5years old and can appreciate the sleepover as a special treat. Granted they are staying with family but growing up I never slept out as a young child unless my parents where out late. Sleepovers were not common before the age of 5 and by then I think I was sleeping over my friends house.

As for surviving not having her home for a night, of course we did. But as soon as we woke up I picked her up while my husband showered. As soon as I pooled into the drive way I found my husband was waiting for us. Even the dogs missed her. She slept through the night and was wonderful for my parents. We were very grateful to be able to have enjoyed a late night out without worrying about how she was- even though we still did. Not having her for one night reminded me how much I love having a family.