Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Stop & Shop has Huggies diapers on sale for $8.88 a pack!

Hello..what about me?!

The dishwasher needs emptying, the dogs are barking and the baby is fighting her afternoon nap. I find myself needing a time out and wondering if I am the one who tends to my husband, my daughter, the dogs and my house then who is left to tend to me??

I woke up this morning hitting the snooze button after having my sleep interrupted not ONCE but TWICE last night. I hoped into bed at 9:15, very early for me but my body needed to rest, at 11:30 the thunder started and my dogs hoped into bed in fear of the noise. My oldest dog panted for a good 30 minutes. Not sure how I feel asleep again but I did. I awoke again at 4:30 a.m to a hungry little baby. She ate, and slept until 7. Up we go to start the day.

An hour later I drop her off to my mother's head to my interview and try to relax on the short ride. An hour later, I am at the grocery store, I stuff everything into the car, run by my mom's to pick baby up and go home to unload. As my stomach rumbles I make my husband and the baby their lunch, let the dogs out, and put away all the groceries.

I look over the sink is full, the dishwasher needs emptying while I scarf down my sandwich. It's 90 degrees and my husband finishing his lunch before he heads back to work is questioning why aren't I at the pool. Well, buddy oh pal, how will the groceries get home, dogs go out and baby get fed if I was floating around on a raft right now?

Funny but he is right! Why can't I clean later, why do I have to do things now. I guess because I know if I don't do them NOW no one else will do them later. So that is my mood right now. Hot, tired and cranky. Maybe I should jump into the crib with the baby and have her rock me to bed or better yet, say the hell to everything and go into the pool to cool me down a bit.
That'll solve all my problems!