Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oh Baby Baby

When my daughter was 4 months old I turned to my husband and said "I WANT ANOTHER BABY." His grin grew ear to ear with excitement. But as my baby got a little older I found myself wanted to give HER my undivided attention. I became excited when she did something new or as her reactions and expressions changed. So she is now 9 months old and the thought is popping back into my head.

I am under the age of 30 so I have plenty of time and for all who don't know it took me over 2 years to get pregnant with my first. I thought of going back to the doctor but the thought of retesting again makes me want to cringe! It isn't a fun process and we haven't began to try hard enough to even know if we would need to see the doctor anyway.

My husband wants 3 or 4 babies. I go back and forth. I would love a sister for my daughter but would also love a little boy. So it seems like 3 may be the goal. However, every time I watch Brother& Sisters the number of children I want grows!

I was lucky enough for my parents to provide a wonderful life for me, they paid for college and my wedding and I want to do the same for my children.

Today I baby sat my nephews and watched the 3 children play and thought this is a glimpse into my future. And it was actually really nice. They played, I was relaxed and thought yeah I COULD handle this.

The thing is I believe in signs and lately people have been giving us extra baby stuff, ex: someone gave us an extra high chair and we even got two double strollers. I asked my husband "Does this mean Twins are in our future?!" He smiled with delight, as I got short of breath.

I guess now you are all wondering are we trying and my answer is "we aren't preventing it." I want to see what ever happens happens. I believe God gives you what you can handle and when you can handle it! But when it does happen I will be very happy to share the news and know my little girl will be the best big sister out there!