Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Shopping Tip

To All You Mommy Shopaholics:
Why not prepare for next spring by purchasing end of season clothes now. Why pay full price 6 months from now when you can get most of the items 75% cheaper now. I know, I know they say how will you know their size? Estimate!!
My baby is 9 months, wearing 9 months clothes so I will order her size 18 month for next summer. And if it doesn't fit re gift it!

Hooray for Teeth

Baby girls teeth came in, well her two bottom teeth. She had some painful days my poor lil munchkin but is doing much better today. Thank goodness for Motrin, Tylenol, teething rings, orajel, frozen apples and my fingers. I can't say which method worked the best because I used ALL of them. No need to worry, I didn't give them to her all at once.
She isn't a fussy baby so when she is I seem to do whatever it takes to make her happy! Typical woman right! Now all I have to do is teach her to kiss with her mouth closed-ouch- and we'll be all set ;)