Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mirror of One's Self

I have been lucky in my life to be around good people, good loving people who have my back, enjoy my company, love me for who I am and bring out the best in me. Like you and everyone else I have also been around people who's action hurt, bring out the bad in others and look for someone to blame to avoid conflict with one self. The funny thing is those who hurt others really hurt deep down themselves. I know it is easy to say let it go, brush it off, turn the other way but people need to know that althought two wrongs don't make a right people will not forget when you hurt them and others see it.

I feel like at this point in my life I've seen so much and am amazed at how much human kind thrives on competeting with others, hurting others and trying to look better than someone else. Reality is we all have to face ourselves, our actions, and live with the person we are. Step back and see the person you have become and you be the judge of who you really are!

“We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions.” Quote by Ian Percy

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