Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To Spank or Not to Spank

I grew up in a household that felt spanking was ok, until I became the parent. My parents were young when they had children and seemed to grow up with us. Now that I have a daughter I've decided not to spank. I know friends/family who do and I am not here to judge but I do think we need to consider the following when disciplining our children.
  • Kids who get hit will hit
  • Spanking is easier than taking the time to discipline
  • Giving a time out takes patience
Kids who get hit will hit- It's true! It is our natural instant to hit when we are upset but if we teach our kids that if they do something we don't like they'll get spanked then when someone does something aren't we sending them the message that it's ok for them to hit too!

Spanking is easier than taking the time to discipline- If my daughter does something wrong I normally tell her to stop, if she continues I count to three, and if that still doesn't work I put her in a time out. Which she fights it until I put her in her pack and play, close the door and walk away for a minute. I go back explain to her what she did wrong and make her say sorry. I then hug her, kiss her and tell her I love her. When you spank, you spank and end of story.

Giving a time out takes patience-Yes, she usually climbs off the chair, laughs, jumps up and down, until I sit infront of her and explain to her what she did was wrong and why.

So moral to all of this... Spanking is easier, less effective and doesn't connect to the what the real issue is. Don't take that short cut. Take the time to explain, reinforce and remind children what they did was wrong and why it was wrong. It takes more time but you'll feel better once you do it!

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