Monday, March 29, 2010

Have Clutter? Throw a Party...

Ever notice when you throw a party your actually get rid of more junk then on an average cleaning day? I do. So my new solution to clutter is throw a party to motivate me to get rid of those things I am hanging on to that don't serve a purpose. I always love how my house looks when I throw a party, even though some may say you have to clean when your guests leave.

I love this motivational theory, I get a clean house and a great party!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Being a Mom

Being a Mom is the hardest,
 yet most rewarding job!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Stew Leonard's

Stew Leonard's is my new favorite place to bring my daughter. We go at least once a week. For those who have never heard of it, it is a grocery store, but not your typical grocery store. There are entertainment for kids, fresh milk and produce.

There is a cow on the wall that Moos when you hit the button, which my daughter is terrified of. The minute we get out of the car she tries to hide in the shopping cart until we pass it in the store. I know it sounds like I am torturing her by always bringing her there but once she is passes the cow she enjoys herself.

After 1:00 they always have samples, which is great because the 12:00 lunch crowd are gone and it isn't crowded. I usually buy something for my daughter to snack on throughout the store, today it was a plain bagel- which I realized she maybe had a bite and I ate the whole thing, last week it was ice cream- which today I realized it's easier to have the ice cream after we are done shopping, the other day it was chicken fries. See I wasn't lying when I said it was my new favorite place!

I always spend $20-$30 there, I normally buy her milk there and snacks for the house, apples are a must and whatever specials they have. Their baby ice cream cones, which we share because it is big enough is only $1.90 with sprinkles. A bagel is 59 cents each, and a half gallon of their fresh milk is $1.89, you can't beat those prices.

In the Spring they have a farm with a cow, sheep, goats, and chickens. It's a fun place to go to and their food is yummy! Best of all it is a nice little outing for me and my little one!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Grocery Shopping Solutions

I always wanted to be that mom in the grocery store you see who seemed to have their children in total control and well behaved. Now that my daughter is older she seems a little more fussier when we go out so below are some of my grocery shopping solutions that seem to work well for us.

Give them a snack- the minute we get into the store I pick something off the shelf for her to snack on. Those lunchables are perfect- my daughter loves snacking on the cheese and crackers. Graham crackers are also great- they don't make a huge mess and she loves to play with the box while she eats. Popcorn chicken is great too- easy to eat and lasts. As she gets older this will prevent any desires she may have to want something in the store. And never let them choose, you choose to prevent arguments. Of course children will go after the candy and junk, pick something that is healthy, yet a treat and something they won't finish in one bite. The whole point is to have something they can snack on throughout the entire shopping trip.

Give them their own list- my daughter loves to play with my list so since she is too young to know the difference I give her own sheet of paper so she can't rip, loose or chew on mine.

Coupons- my daughter loves to play with my coupons so since she is too young to know the difference I give expired ones. When you have older children have them help by looking for the sale items or items listed on the coupons.

Have them help - although my daughter is too young to really understand it I still try to get her involved. I tell her what I need to get in the aisle I am in and every time I put something in the cart I tell her what it is. When they can help have them pick the bag of chips off the shelf or grab the box of cereal.

Children love to be entertained and confining them makes them uneasy so take the time to entertain them so you are not running through the aisle in a hurry to get out of the store!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Watermelon for Toddlers

When I was pregnant I ate so much watermelon so it is not a huge surprise to me that my daughter can't get enough of it. One day I noticed her gnawing on it and realized that her swollen gums got some relief from the cold watermelon.

So for all you mommies out there with teething Toddlers give them some cold watermelon to soothe their pain. I do not recommend this for children who are just learning to chew. But for those with a half dozen teeth, it is the perfect snack and teething remedy! Enjoy!

Huggies Enjoy The Ride Rewards Programs

I am a HUGE fan of Huggies Enjoy the Ride rewards program!
 Inside mostly all Huggies diapers and wipes packages is a sticker with codes on it. If you register at Enjoy the Ride and enter your code you gain points which can be used toward purchases, games and my favorite DONATIONS!
Check it out if you haven't done so already!

Friday, March 5, 2010

What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner. By: Colette