Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Start Focusing on the things You CAN Change

We tend to cause more drama and stress in our life then for what it's worth. I believe if we all start to focus on the things we CAN change and let go of the things we can't we would be a little bit happier in life.

EX:On the way home from dinner tonight there was a car infront of me that kept driving towards the cars in the other lane. The only thing I could do was beep to try to wake the driver up to prevent them from getting into an accident. Was it scary, yes, could I do anything to prevent something bad from happening besides honking my horn, no. Thankfully they pulled off the road.

EX:When my husband and I were getting married we had to go to a pre-cana wedding course. I'll never forget when they told us that "noise"- which they mean drama,stress, fueds, out side of our house and marriage is considered to be static- static that causes tension and stress that is not in our control, therefore we should not let it our affect our marriage. 

Life is kind of like that in general. How much "noise" and "static" do you have in your life that you directly have no control over and can not fix? I am sure if you think about it's a lot more than you think. So start today by letting it go, start today by focusing on the things WE have control over, DIRECT control over and everything else just let it go. Because the reality is that life is too damn short for drama, and if it isn't mine or if I can't change it then I don't want any part of it!

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