Saturday, May 8, 2010

Communication-The Key to a Good Marriage

I will be the first to admit that my husband and I argue. Sometimes we argue over the simplest things, sometimes we are argue over things not worth arguing over. But this open line of communication we have works for us and actually makes our marriage good.

I am old enough to have seen many marriages fail and fall apart and the number one reason COMMUNICATION. Yep, lack of communication has ended many relationships. Why is it that we feel we shouldn't be able to say what we feel, or tell someone when they did something wrong or hurt us. Your partner may not agree and the fight may last a little longer but isn't it worth discussing. I have said plenty of hurtful things to my husband during arguments which were wrong, but at least we opened up to another and built this relationship based around an open communication system. Say sorry when you do something wrong, discuss an issue at the time it is bothering you!

Why do we bottle up what bothers us, why do we look towards a third person to make something better for our relationship instead of turning to our mates? Fighting is good, but it has to be within means. No physical, verbal or mental abuse is necessary. But telling your partner when something is bothering you is important. It is the only way they will know it and by discussing it you are allowing a solution to be formed.
We have one life, and it is too short to have anger built inside of us. Yes, no one likes telling someone the truth about how they really feel if they think it will hurt someone, but it is worse to keep things bottled up inside. You can work through the hurt with a loved one, but keeping it in will only make things worse!

Communication is key to a marriage, it is so important and should not be dismissed. I always think of John Mayer’s song; Say What You Need to Say, my favorite line is:

“It’s better to say too much, Than to never say what you need to say again.”

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