Thursday, May 27, 2010

Music Soothes the Soul

I love music. I love to hear music when I am happy, sad, tired or mad. I love music so much that ever since my daughter was born I sang to her. No, I am no American Idol but I did notice early on that Music Soothes the Soul and babies, and children love it too!

I began singing to my daughter as a form of distraction for when she was scared, when I gave her a bath or changed her diaper. Til this day I still sing to her as a distraction and she loves it. I even began coming up with  my own lyrics to encourage her to brush her teeth; brush brush brush your teeth, brush them every day, brush them top to bottom to keep the dentist away. When I brush her hair I sing; brush brush brush your hair, brush it every day, brush them every day to take the knots all away. I know I am a very silly mom but TRUST ME it works!


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