Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grow Old With You

I will be married for 6 years this summer and have been lucky enough to have been with my husband for 12 years. Today I had a doctors apt and there was an elderly couple sitting next to one another. The wife went to check in and she had trouble standing. Her husband got up and took her purse and asked if she was alright. She took a seat next to him and he looked at her with great concern. At that very moment it hit me that the man I am married to is the man I want to grow old with.

And yes, when you get married you vow to but has it ever REALLY hit you that the person you are with is the one you want to grow old with? The one you want to have hold your hand when you can hardly walk and speak for you when you no longer have the energy to? Think about it! The satisfaction of knowing I truly want to grow old with my husband brought tears to my eyes.

Yes, there may be men out there that may perhaps be good for me, no one knows but the fact of knowing that I look forward to growing old with my husband puts a smile on my face. One day that old couple could be-will be us, and it made me realize how lucky and truly blessed I am!

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