Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mommy the Energizer Bunny

I must say everyday I am amazed with how much I do. I appreciate all my husband does but I think we all need to give some appreciation to all the mommies out there. It is a tough job, yes rewarding but tough. I am up by 6-6:30 every morning and not in bed before 10:30-11. I go none stop in between. Yes I LOVE IT! I would not trade it for the world, but where the hell did I get all this energy from?!

I remember prior to having my daughter it was hard climbing out of bed at 7-7:30 and no one could call me after 9:30 because I was in bed. Those were the easy days. Now any free time I have I am working, cooking, cleaning, shopping etc...

Yes, it is exhausting but I feel good, I feel younger, healthier. Maybe it is the gym, maybe it's because I am happy, nahh I think being a mommy gives me no choice but to feel like an Energizer Bunny! I need 17 hr days to accomplish all I need to accomplish and yet I go to bed with a to do list for the next day. So for all of you out there next time you see your momma, or go there for dinner or see her cleaning stop to thank her because when you're resting at the end of your day, her day is just getting started!

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