Friday, July 16, 2010

Mommy's Night Out

Lately I have been having a lot of nights out, some with girlfriends, other's with family and mostly with my Husband. I hate when I feel guilty going out. Most of the time it is at night when the baby is already asleep, sometimes it is dinner time. The problem is I work from home so I do not have the interaction all day with people. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my life, I am grateful to work from home. But I notice I look forward to my time away from home just to get some air, space and be around people. I know there is no harm in it and everyone deserves it, but I can not help but feel guilty when I do it.

To make up for it I take my daughter to the beach, Stew's or to the pool during the day. I wonder if she will ever really appreciate having me with her? I bet she won't realize it until she has a family of her own. I adore her and adore what life I built for myself.

I was at the gym one day and on the cover of New York magazine was an article titled "I love my children, I hate my life." Pretty harsh if you asked me. But the reality is that we consume so much of who we are into our family and home that we loose a little of who we really are. I guess I gain a little of that when I am out and have to focus just on my self. I gain a little independence and appreciate my family more when I come home.

So for all you mommies out there who ever felt guilty like me, don't. We are actually becoming better people and happier, making us appreciate our family life a little more. This in the end will make us better parents.

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