Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Romano's Macaroni Grill YUM!

I have to admit this was a YUMMY dish and it only took 15 mins to make. Just add milk, cover and dinner or an excellent side dish for dinner or lunch is served! The smell filled the house, and the chicken was so tender! Even the baby loved it. Check out my pictures:


To receive a sample please contact me and I will be glad to have it sent to you!!!

Please note the sample, prize pack and giveaway were all provided by
Macaroni Grill through MyBlogSpark.

I'm Back

Wow, it's been a while since I have posted. It's been a very busy August. I have been spending many of my summer days in the Hamptons, enjoying a wonderful house in Sag Harbor. There is something about going away that makes you focus on your life and your needs and of course relaxation is always key.

My daughter who is now 20 months was loving every second of her vacation. She loves the ocean and the pool at the house. She tried everything we ate and of course approached anyone eating an ice cream cone in hopes that they would share it with her. We learned early on NOT to give her any ice cream before bed time.

On our cloudy days we went to Montack and Shelter Island. We shopped and ate in East Hampton, Sag Harbor and Bridge Hampton. The week and weekends do fly by but the time there is well spent. We started going to the local Farm Stands which carried the sweetest grapes I have ever eaten.  We found an ice cream shop that sold non fat vanilla peanut butter ice cream that is to die for!

One of our favorite sandwhich shops is Espresso's, after a week of eating their foccia bread we realized they made wheat foccia bread- which is sooo yummy! Overall, I think I lost weight from lugging all my daughters beach toys back and forth. Our favorite beach is Mecox and for those who have been knows all the sand dunes that do not make lugging stuff easy to do.

Yes, vacations are so different when you have a child. We no longer stay at the beach for endless hours and my husband was amazed at how often my daughter ate. 8:00 bedtimes allowed us to relax outside with a nice bottle of wine from the vineyards. I saw 4 shooting stars in one week- not bad! My mom found a four leaf clover in the yard-guess we are magnets for luck!

 I am not putting away any bathing suits until after Labor day! I am not ready to let the cold get the best of me yet! As Summer comes to an end for all of us I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I have.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Daddy and his Daughter

When I found out I was pregnant I would have been happy either way with what I was having, but once I found out it was a girl all I could do was think about what a great Daddy my Husband would be to her.

I love the relationship my husband has with my daughter. This tough guy melts everytime he sees her and she adores him like no one I have ever seen. Every night after dinner he sits with her watches her favorite cartoons before bed and puts her to bed. If I go out or go to the gym he'll take her to the store or for ice cream.

I love the father he is with her. If I get frustrated with her he has this calm way of making things better. He is a good dad or "PaPa" like my daughter says and I love the man he is when he's with her. I know they will be buddies for life, and like the great "Pop" I have, I am grateful that she has one too!