Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Old Are You "Toooo"

I love when I ask my daughter how old she is and she says "Toooo" she doesn't say two, she drags out the "ooo" It is amazing that she is two. Two years ago I could not image what kind of Mom I would be or person. She has helped me grow these past two years into a more patient, understanding person. She has helped me see life in a totally different and new light.

Being a mom and watching your child grow into this amazing little person is the most surreal experience. I see alot of myself in her although she looks just like her father. She brings out this kid in me, this person who wants to conquer the world and see life differently. I never get angry if I am up all night with her, I try not to yell at her unless she is really doing something wrong. She is this little person eager to learn and see what life is about and I love being her 'teacher.'

I can't wait to see what the next year and years bring. I feel like we are growing together and it is truly a blessing. I love the person I am when I am with her.

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl and thank you for picking me to be your Mommy!

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