Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Day

I love Thanksgiving, I always have but I especially love it since two years ago on Thanksgiving is when I went into labor. It was funny too that the doctors told me I was due on Thanksgiving, my husband and I always loved the holiday-then again I am not sure how many people I know who DON'T like Thanksgiving. You hardly reach your "due" date so I never imaged I would actually go into labor on Thanksgiving.

I remember feeling off that day and came home early from having Thanksgiving lunch with his family and took a nap. I woke up, ate leftovers-big mistake- and by 10:00 that night my water broke. Man, I will never forget that night, I kept wishing I never ate those leftovers. But the next morning- 6:00 am- my bundle of joy was born. Yep, she was born on "black friday" the busiest shopping day of the year...that is probably why she likes to play with my credit cards whenever I pull them out.

How lucky am I to always have this wonderful memory of my daughter being born every time Thanksgiving rolls around!

Happy Turkey Day to you and your family!

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