Wednesday, December 22, 2010


My daughter loves to play with blocks. She usually drags the bag they are in around the house until I open them for her. Once they are opened she dumps them ALL out and asks me to build her a tower- which she will eventually knock down.

So one morning I am trying to get ready and she starts with the "blocks...blocks" she comes into the bathroom and hands me the bag. I tell her I will open them only if she plays with them in the playroom so I can finish getting ready. She looks up with me and says "blocks...blocks."

Being the good mom that I am I open the blocks and go back into the bathroom to finish blow drying my hair. I then feel this little tug on my leg and  look down. She hands me a block, so I put it on the sink and continue getting ready. Before you know it she is handing me one block after another. I eventually run out of room on the sink and have no choice but to build her a tower while I blow dry my hair. My masterpiece is below:

Yep...Just another day in the life of being a mom!

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