Monday, December 13, 2010

A Day in the Life of Being a Mom

Growing up I never understood why my mom always showered with the door open. Once I became a Mother myself I understood perfectly well why!

So the other day I am in the shower and I keep popping my head out to check on my daughter. I am lucky that I am able to see into my living room while I am showering. I pop my head out and notice she is holding a pink ribbon.

100 thoughts were going through my head, I could not figure out where she got the ribbon from but I knew I better hurry up in the shower to find out. Just then it dawned on me that the ribbon was part of the chocolate favors my sister gave away at her wedding.

All I envisioned was this box of chocolates all over the floor and my dogs eating it. So what did I do, I did what every mother would do, I jumped out of the shower, ran into the dining room, soaking wet with shampoo still in my hair and cleaned up the box of chocolates on the floor. Luckily I got there before the dogs noticed.

Yep, that is just another example of a day in the life of being a mom!

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