Friday, December 24, 2010


Christmas Eve is HUGE in my family. It always has been. We always go to my parent's house for an all time eat feast and stay until mid night opening gifts with about 30 family members. I love Christmas Eve because it is my Christmas with my family and then of course now that I have my own little family I have Christmas Morning and Day to look forward to with my in-laws.

Christmas Eve always starts off with way too many appetizers, so much that normally when the main course comes out we are already sneaking into the dessert. My mom always has the seven different fishes and has added meat to the menu since we have people in the family who are now either allergic or do not eat fish. The main course usually consists of king crab with pasta or lobster tails and sauce, a non fish pasta, goat and salad. Yep... then there's dessert. Which we always have way too many but of course we all sample everything. Between all the food and spiked egg nog opening gifts is a sight!

We always made my mom the elf and in charge of handing out gifts. By then she had one too many glasses of wine and without her glasses she can not see so she is constantly reading off the wrong names to everyone. It is hysterical! My pop doesn't have the patience so he is normally no where to be found to give him his gifts and is walking in and out of the living room. I bet he never really knows who bought him what since he always opens his gifts half way and says "Did you get me the right size?!" but he always acts like he LOVES everything you got him, even if it ends up in his closet with the tags still on.

I try to get the love seat by the fire so I can make my pile near the couch and be cozy. We usually take a break for a drink, for those who smoke and to  munch on more dessert. An hour into opening gifts the crowd usually dies down and the laughing turns into yawning.

I always pause and look around at everyone when we are all in one room opening gifts and take that moment in for as long as possible and am grateful to share another year with everyone. Family traditions are so important and as the years have come and gone we have gained and lost people but best of all we've been there for one another.

I am looking forward to tonight, like every Christmas Eve and hope you all have a wonderful night too and cherish those memories with loved ones, regardless of the fights and loud relatives, cherish one another because as we get older things change and those rare moments when we all can be together may change!!

Merry Christmas Eve!

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