Thursday, December 2, 2010


I am a true believer of signs, sometimes we don't realize what they mean, other times we tend to over look them but after today my belief is even stronger.

My husband and I have been talking about having another baby. Our daughter is two and it is about time for her to have a sibling. Two nights ago I dreamt of a little boy. He is my little boy in my dream. He was so cute and happy. He had black hair like my husband and my hazel eyes. He is playing with my daughter who looked a little older and the dream felt so real that I did not want to wake up. The little boy made me feel overwhelmed with joy.

So today I am meeting a client for coffee and as I am waiting for a parking spot a little old man backs out of a spot and hits my car. For those who have never been in a car accident I have to tell you no matter how bad it is it is not a fun experience. The police came, we exchange numbers and I hurry home to get ready for my next appointment.

At my next appointment I am sitting there still a little annoyed about the whole accident when it dawns on me that 2 years ago before I got pregnant I was involved in a car accident. Now I am not pregnant, I know that for a fact, but the feeling of knowing that I will be soon made my whole mood change. Maybe the dream and the accident are both signs, maybe not. But it has made me a stronger believer that good things are around the corner and instead of mopping around about the damage of my car, I am getting excited that their may be a baby in my future!

Don't overlook the signs when you see them. Listen to them, follow them, they are their for a reason. You may not know why when they happen but you soon will find out!

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