Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Toddler Days

My baby girl went from this little baby to a toddler that loves to throw her toys, turn the TV on and off and on and off and on until I get upset, give the dogs her food and climb stairs. How funny is it that no matter how many toys she has she must play with the remote control, my cell phone and open every cabinet door in the house! I always find her in her crib with all her toys thrown on the floor, pants off and socks no where to be found. She pulls every bow, barrette and clip out of her hair and rolls around the bed when I try to change her. I can't help but laugh while I am writing this. She is a character and just two months ago she was learning how to walk!

But the best part about of having a new toddler is that I have a little buddy. We go to the store and share samples, we laugh at funny, silly things and she even gives me a kiss, well air kiss, every once in a while. I know we won't always be friends and I know as she gets older things may get tougher but I want to try to enjoy every minute of this! For now I'll enjoy doing things with my little side kick!