Thursday, February 18, 2010

My new philosophy on life..."Nobody said it was easy!"

I picked up my the baby from my mom's got home, grabbed the mail, started dinner, made my daughter raviolis, she wouldn't eat them, I made her chicken soup she turned her face, I went to put the chicken in the oven and realized it was never turned out, I let the dogs out, cooked my side dishes, put wood in the stove, let the dogs in, and took out the cranberry sauce from the fridge watched as the container slipped out of my hands and onto the floor, yelled as the dogs came licking the ground and just when I was about to snap I started to sing in my head. "Nobody said it was easy!" And let me tell you it made me laugh!!!! 

Life really isn't easy and why should it be. We want more, we do more, we add stress to our lives when it really isn't neccessary. I didn't have to cook three meals tonight, my daughter didn't need to have a selection, I don't have to work as much as I do, I realize that everyone has a full plate. We all run against the clock. I catch my self gasping for air and I do it to myself. I look back on all the stressful events I have gone through and the key word is "gone" through. I survived them, and I will survive the others. I just need to slow it down and when times get to hard and when I feel like I just may snap, I'll have to remember to sing  those 5 simple words again: NOBODY SAID IT WAS EASY.....