Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today I Learned about Generics

My daughter woke up with a fever and since the lastes recall I had nothing to give her. So I turned to the internet and googled Generic brands. I went out and bought a generic type of acetaminophen to give her. Generic it is until they straigthen out this recall!

Learn Something New Everyday

They say we learn something new everyday. So I decided to put test that theory. Please feel free to leave me a comment to let me know what you have learned today. Learning makes our brains stronger and our body healthier.

Today I learned:

That SugarCRM is a great tool for Small to Medium Sized Businesses. I am currently learning it for a new client so we have a email based software where we both can view leads, calendars, contact information etc... It is only $360 a yr for their Professional package. It is very similiar to Salesforce.

Enjoy the knowledge :)