Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Old Soul

Ever run into someone and feel like you've known them all your life, or have a flashback and can't remember why? Ever feel so connected to someone and you are not sure why? Ever wonder if your soul has had another life prior to yours?

I swear my daughter is an old soul. Things come so natural to her; she is a fast learner and has little fear. It is as if she is doing everything for the second time. The other day we were in the pool and she starting kicking in her float to get to the edge, like it was the natural thing to do, I praised her and she looked at me as if I was crazy. You teach her a word and she grasps it as if she has said it 1,000 times before, she already knows what food she likes and doesn't like before she even tries them.

Ever wonder were your soul has been? I always like to think we are back for a reason or person. Maybe a good marriage is to make up for the bad ones we have had in the past. I like to think bad things happen to make our soul stronger, to give us strengthen for the next time around.

Have you ever met a new soul? I believe I have. They are a little oblivious and some of them are so curious and can not settle down, as if they want to take everything in and are afraid of missing out on something.

You may think I am crazy but think back. Most of us have been here before, some of us will be back, but what is most important is finding out why we are here and how we can make our journey one that we'll remember and never want to forget.