Friday, November 5, 2010

Mommy's Mood

It's funny how I have noticed my daughter has been a little aggressive lately and moody. She is reaching the terrible 2's but I noticed there is much more than that. The reason has been me. I have been moody, so she's been moody.

I never realized it until today when I decided to put my butt in gear and be happier around her and she softened up a bit. My mom always told me that when we were younger whenever she was in a bad mood, we were in a bad mood.

Funny how kids react to the way we do, the way we feel and the way we act. Although my mood is just something that will pass, hormones, over worked, lack of sleep...I know now that I must pick and choose how I want to feel so my daughter won't be affected by it!

So when we have bad days, they will have bad days. Pick and choose those bad days because at the end of "every hurricane there is a rainbow!"