Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Stop * Breathe * Smile

I can't get over that it is already November, that Thanksgiving is only two weeks away, that my daughter will be two soon and I have hardly put a dent in my holiday shopping. When I think of all of this I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep it away. What I tend to forget is that this is just the reality of life, everyday will be something. So I force myself to stop, breathe and smile. And take it one day at a time!
This song always seems to help me!

Mommy you K?!

I LOVE laying in bed with my daughter. I lay in bed with her at night and watch her Dora before I put her to bed and the first thing I do when she wakes up is put her in bed with me.

So this morning I am laying in bed with her, she rolls over on her belly, and cups my face with her two tiny hands. I could feel her breath on my face and she says "Hi Momma, U K?!" I swear I almost teared up because it was the cutest thing ever! I started to laugh, so she laughed and it was the best way to wake up this morning!

I wish every morning I could start my day like that! It's those little moments in life that are good for the soul. My daughter is good for my soul!Needless to say it was a great day!