Friday, November 19, 2010

Sometimes you have to just laugh it off!


In life women tend to need certain things to make them happy. Some people need a lot of money, some people need a lot of material stuff, some people need a lot of attention and others need a busy social life. It is funny that we are never 100% fulfilled with what makes us happy. If we make more money we still want more, if we have a lot of stuff we still go out and buy more, if we are in a relationship we always second guess if it is going ok, if we always have plans we find ourselves double booking ourselves. It is as if we crave to fulfil  a void in our lives.

I think women in general have a lot of emotional issues, I mean that as kind as possible. I mean our hormones play a huge role in our life and men and women are completely different. Men do not read into stuff like we do, they want something they go get it, they crave a burger they eat a burger.

Girls over look and over think things. We make plans and change them over and over again, we look at every situation from every possible angle and analyze it and usually vent to a couple of girlfriends about it- asking for their opinions and what they would do, we crave a burger and end up eating something healthier and still end up craving that burger.

Being with my husband for as long as I have I kind of envy how guys are. They don't stress the small stuff, if they are not happy they fix it, they don't overlook situations-they see things as they are, not all the "fluff" around it. I mean I can be upset about something for weeks and my husband can't understand how I can't get over it. The reality is why can't I get over it? How can he get in an argument settle it and an hour later be ok with it? I on the other hand, get upset, we talk about it, we talk about it some more and when it settles I am still upset about it. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

I guess we are always too busy analyzing the life we are that we need to stop and be happy for the way things are now. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?! We all know we can try to plan for it but that doesn't mean it will work out that way.

I think women are so afraid of missing an opportunity or staying in a situation we are not 100% percent about. We always think about long term, not short term and we end up missing out on all the good that is happening in the current time. I know I do it and I am sure you have to.

So we all know no one has the answers in Life and no one can change something we are unhappy about in our life except for ourselves. We need to stop analyzing and confusing our lives. We need to try to let go of the things we have no control off and enjoy today! We need to focus on the core problem we are unhappy with and stop trying to fulfill it with material things or relationships or money.  Before you know it will be too late and it's over before we know it! “Life's a journey, not a destination” Steven Tyler