Monday, December 27, 2010

The Ultimate Hot Chocolate

My mom always made this for us when we were kids. It is the ultimate hot chocolate recipe. YUM!

  • Cup of milk
  • Table spoon of real cocoa powder
  • Teaspoon of sugar
Simmer milk, mix cocoa and sugar together in a bowl. Once milk is ready add cocoa and sugar mix to it. Mix well and slowly pour into mug, you"ll notice the slower you pour it in the mug the more froth you'll get on the top. You can top it off with whip cream and marshmallows. Enjoy!!

Fun Quote

"Never take life too seriously and always make time to have a little fun!"

Snowed In!

I love being snowed it. It is so cozy and even though I work from home and do not have to drive to get to work I still take some time out to take advantage of these quiet days. The wind was really strong but once it died down I took advantage of this snow day and went out side with my daughter, even the dogs ran around with us.