Friday, January 21, 2011

Beware-Potty Training in Session!

I must admit I am so not looking forward to this potty training thing at all. I mean I am constantly out with my daughter so it is hard to put a pull up on her, set the clock every 30 minutes and rush her to the potty. But with that said she is getting older so the pressure is up to ME to get her in the potty training mode.

I  started two months ago with bringing out her potty. At first she hated it, she cried, did not even want to look at it. The first time I sat her down on it she got up, said "no potty" and stood in her own puddle...I just mopped the floor that morning.

Now she loves it, only problem she plays on it. She will sit, sing, count the tile on the ground but nothing happens. She even likes her privacy and has said "ok, be right back" and slammed the door in my face. So now the challenge is getting her to actually do something, getting me to set the timer and to get rid of these diapers for good!

I have done my reading on tips and believe what may work for one child may not work for another, ex: bribing kids with candy or chocolate-great idea but my daughter is like me and the minute she has a little sugar she gets super hyper. She already tries to run around the house without a diaper on forget about when she has a little sugar in her!

Below are some articles I read and am attempting some of their tips. In the meantime I put up a big sign on my front door to warn all visitors "Beware-Potty Training in Session!"

Some useful articles on Potty Training...

*20 Best-Ever Potty Training Tips
*When to start potty training?
*Potty Training 101

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