Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dry Skin Remedies

The winter is horrible for my skin and I hate chapped lips so these are "must" do winter remedies to fight chapped lips and dry skin.

  • Always drink lots of water
  • Apply lotion to your body as soon as you get out of the shower
  • Before bed apply hand cream-not lotion- but cream, some people even put rubber gloves on after they apply the cream so they wake up to extra soft hands
  • Before bed apply chap stick, I love the Cherry Carmex or Blistex Lip Massage
  • Also use chapstick over your lipstick when you leave the house
  • Also make sure you have enough face lotion on so you do not get wind burn when you go out
No reason why we can't look our best all year round! Stay Warm!!!

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