Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Snow Facts

I woke up this morning, rolled over and called my husband and asked "so did it snow last night?" his reply "are you serious?" I guess I should have looked outside before calling him since we got a foot of snow. He was already up since 3 am plowing with a buddy. I got up opened the back door and attempted to let the dogs out.

Yep, we were snowed it yet again. I did my part and shoveled my way out...well after 10 minutes I decided it was enough of an attempt and headed back inside.

Below are some more fun Snow Facts:

*  For the average person who weighs 150lbs you burn 408 calories an hour when you shovel

** The average snowflake falls at a speed of 3.1 miles per hour

*** Snow acts like a layer of insulation to the ground and can keep plants insulated from the detrimental sub-zero freezing temperatures.

**** According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest snowflake on record measured 38cm wide and 20cm thick. It was observed in Montana, USA in 1887 and described by witnesses as "larger than a milk pan".
For all of you in the East Coast make some hot chocolate and stay in!

Links to facts:

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