Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolution

We all start the year off by creating a Resolution for the New Year in hopes of bettering our life and making a new start. So for this year I decided, even though it may sound selfish, to focus on the things in life that make me happy. I know it sounds silly with all the responsibilities I have but the reality is if I am happy then everyone around me will be happier!
I always lived my life a head of the game, I got married young, always worked and saved, I had a daughter young, I always focused on what was next. Well now I am focusing on the present, on a day to day basis. No more planning too ahead of time, no more focusing so ahead that I loose focus of today, the present!

I need to start living my life day by day, look forward to what the day will be not tomorrow. We need to live in the moment not in the future, because we do not know what the future will bring and I need to stop worrying about that!

Here's to a happier 2011!

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