Monday, January 10, 2011

Power of Prayer

I know I've said it before but I can't emphasis enough about how strong the power of prayer is. We all have different beliefs and that is what makes this world such a wonderful place, but it is crazy how strong the power of prayer really is!

Someone really close to me is in the hospital. As I waited by the phone all day for updates I noticed I was driving myself crazy.

I decided I needed to leave the house for a distraction. I got my shoes on and packed my diaper bag. Before I left I made another call to the hospital, received an update that the patient was not doing better and we were not sure what the next step would be.

I put my daughter's shoes on her, sat on the couch next to her and began to pray. She was really cute as she tried to be serious as I prayed with her. I felt a little better got in my car and pulled out of my driveway. Two minutes later I received a call. The doctor's said the patient was on their way to recovery. Yes, I know you think I am crazy and yes it is a coincidence but when I went to the hospital tonight and told everyone the story it was as if we all knew it was some little miracle.

Pray...I do not care to who or what you pray to but pray and believe in the power of prayer! Trust me even if your prayers do not get answered you will feel much better!

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