Sunday, February 20, 2011

Donate and Make a Difference

It is funny how contagious generosity can be. I am a true believer of Karma and lately the smallest gestures make a huge difference. Whether it is a smile to a stranger or holding the door open for the elder, doing something good makes you feel good and whether you see it or not you in turn will receive something good!

Every year at this time I noticed that the request for donations come in. Not sure why or if there is a reason but they always seem to. I get my pile of donation requests filled with return labels, and notepads with my name on them and the ones with nickels and start to donate.

I know some people are not financially able to donate and that is fine, but for the majority of us please find a cause you believe in and give back. The feeling is rewarding in it's own way! I do not donate expecting something good in return, that defeats the whole purpose, but I give back because the cause I donate to has a special meaning to me or a loved one or just because I believe in the cause. So if you can make a difference and even it is just $5.00 every penny counts.

If you do not want to donate through the mail then get involved in a local community walk to raise money for a cause you believe in. There are a ton of local walks that I like to try to participate in and I make it fun by getting a group together to walk and in return we are giving back to our community.

Below are some of my favorite organizations to donate to.
Share with me: What organizations do you donate to or recommend?

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