Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Feed" the Soul...Literally

I am an emotional eater, I always have been. I eat when I am happy, sad, nervous, mad, tired, down. The only time I do not eat a lot is when I am sick. I always blamed eating on the "Italian" in me but the reality is it is how I comfort myself. I use food as a comfort to my emotions.

The flip side to this is when I notice my pants getting a little snug I get upset about it and try to control what I eat. I worked in the medical field for 5 years and worked for surgeons who performed the weight loss procedure. It was amazing how many of us eat to fulfill an emotion we can not handle on our own. Luckily I realize when I am eating too much and take a step back. But for those who can't it gets tough and need some guidance.

We all have our own addictions and use different measures in helping us deal with our emotions but we also need to know when to take a step back and not abuse ourselves and make sure we stay healthy. The reality is when we do this to ourselves we are covering up a bigger issue, that sadly will not disappear or go away unless we resolve it. Some people need a friend to talk to or a buddy to join the gym with. Some people seek counseling and find it easier to vent to a stranger.

I know I need to go to the gym more and watch my portion control. I also know working from home does not help prevent myself from 'overeating' but Spring is around the corner and soon all the great fruits and veggies will be in available and bathing suit season will be here. Sounds depressing right!?  But the reality is recognize why you do what you do and try to resolve it before it gets out of control. Also there is nothing wrong with "feeding" your soul...just as long as in the long run it won't end up harming it.

"Eat well. Live well. Be well."

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