Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ha-I Didn't Sign Up for This!

When I decided to become a parent I never realized how much work it would be. I mean I LOVE LOVE being a mom, but would LOVE LOVE if I could have a cleaning lady, cook, personal assistant and even a dog walker to take care of my dogs. I feel like I am always doing something but never really get anything done!

My husband is very hands on, he does alot around the house, helps me with my daughter and really anything I need. But I still can not seem to get everything I need and want done within the 17 hours I am awake. My days starts by 7:00 am and at 11:30 at night I am looking through my blackberry calendar adding tasks that I have yet to complete to do the next day!

I look around my house and sometimes wish I had the magic finger like that show 'I Dream of Jeannie' to wash the dishes, dust, vacuum, clean the bathroom, fold the laundry, take the dogs out and everything else that we all have to worry about.

Some days I want to just sit back and play with my daughter, eat when I am hungry, not worry about the things in life that we all hate and have to worry about. I mean think about it... did we really sign ourselves up for all of this?! Because I don't remember signing anything that said "yep I could be a mom, wife, worker, cook, cleaning lady, dog walker" and at the same time be the energizer bunny, with a permanent smile on my face with a great figure, a spotless house, and a pressed clothes. Who am I kidding, my house is decent, my smile comes and goes, my figure needs some help and if my clothes aren't stained then it's been a good day!

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