Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Ahead!!!

Happy Daylight Savings everyone. I LOVE this time of year. Spring is around the corner, the weather is warmer, I get to see my flowers start to bloom and then their is Easter-which is by far one of my favorite holidays.

I love how everyone is a little happier, I get to pull my lovely collection of flip flops out and bury my uncomfortable boring boots back in storage. I love how you can go out without a jacket, and take walks and have picnics...oh I love picnics down at the beach. And most importantly it stays lighter out longer so when I am making dinner at 6:00 it doesn't seem like it is 9:00 outside.

As you can tell I am starting off my day in a very cheerful way!  Cheers to warm weather and Spring ahead!

"Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"  ~Robin Williams

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