Thursday, April 7, 2011

Life is too Short to Be Unhappy

It's funny how many of my girlfriends and I are going through the same emotions in life. We are all at a point in our lives when we are scratching our heads and saying 'there's got to be more to life than this.' We blame our moods on the alignment of the stars or full moons, but the reality is we feel life is too short to be unhappy.

Now I have a wonderful life, I have a home, husband, child, job, friends, family...but yet I feel I am a juggling act. My girlfriends are over worked, working in an industry where they make good money but are paying the price emotionally and physically. We get together and wonder how we ended up like this.

The positive thing about our "venting sessions" is that we realize we are not alone, we realize the grass always seems greener on the other side and we realize that in reality we are exactly where we WANT to be. See we think if things would be different we would be happier, but reality is we chose to be where we are. We like the challenges in life, I need my life to be a juggling act, I get bored easily, and I need to keep moving. My girlfriends always wanted to move up the latter and don't want an everyday 9-5 job. They enjoy the challenge and their pay is supporting their life style.

We are constantly wrecking our brains on what we can do to be happy, but in reality we are happy, we are where we want to be. We mistake our goals for wanting more and think that because we want more we are unhappy...but it is not true. We are determined to get more, be more, do more, that's who we are. Life is too short to be unhappy...we need to live for today, for the moment and realize we do have issues, we will make mistakes but we will learn from them and move forward because that's who we are!

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