Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Benefits of Lemon Water

I love water but of course it gets boring at times so I sometimes add a slice of lemon. Check out the wonderful benefits:

Lemon Water Fact:

  • Drinking lemon water regularly will aid in the cleansing of the bowels, which helps eliminate constipation and diarrhea.*
  • Lemon water helps clean the toxins out of your body. Your skin can't look healthy if your body is holding onto toxins! When you get rid of toxic waste in your system, your skin will show it first! Your skin will be the first thing you notice cause it looks rejuvenated and not sallow or full of acne. **
  • Lemon can help relieve many digestion problems when mixed with hot water. These include nausea, heartburn,  and parasites.**
  • Because of its high Vitamin C content, it is used to prevent and treat many infections, hasten wound healing, and diminish allergies. Lemon juice also relieves symptoms of asthma, tonsillitis, and sore throats. **


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