Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy 4th of July Weekend!!!

Whether you are having a bbq at your house or attending a friends picnic, I hope you enjoy your weekend and take this time to relax, eat and enjoy some sunshine!

Enjoy some Fun 4th of July Facts:

  • Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.**
  • Independence Day was first celebrated in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776.***
  • The value of fireworks imported from China, representing the bulk of all U.S. fireworks imports  was $197.3 million  in 2010. U.S. exports of fireworks, came to just $37 million in 2010, with Japan purchasing more than any other country ($6.3 million)* That's a whole lot of fireworks!!
  • Both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on Independence Day, July 4, 1826.***
  • In 1941, Congress declared 4th of July a federal legal holiday. It is one of the few federal holidays that have not been moved to the nearest Friday or Monday.***
Happy 4th of July!!


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