Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Life is About Finding a Balance

I can not begin to say how much we all need to have a balance in our life. It took me a long time to create a balance and I still feel I always overdo one thing over another.

There needs to be a balance in our life. We tend to focus our energy on one big aspect of our life that causes us to neglect the other things we need to be focusing on. I went from working too much, to working too little, to spending too much, to partying too much, to working out too much, to taking too much time off and spending time with my daughter. My life was very unbalanced. I see this among my family and friends as well. We either pick one thing and put all our energy into it that we burn ourselves out when it comes to different tasks we need to be focusing on.

I say work probably takes up most of our life. We work to spend, and spend too much that makes us find the need to work some more. Without balance we get stressed. With stress we eat too much, drink too much and neglect a healthy lifestyle.

My goal is to balance my life as much as possible that I do not feel I am too burnt out to focus on the other things in my life. A hard part for me is I work from home so I feel like I am never not working. When I was not working I was doing things around the house, or spending time with my daughter and I felt like I never had any down time.

One goal I set that seemed to help me was once 5:00 hit I would turn off my blackberry, make dinner, hang with my daughter until she went to bed and then turned my phone back on. I no longer work most weekends and I set a schedule to have one day off a week to spend all day doing mommy and baby activities.

Life is too short to feel like we need to "do it all." We need to face reality that if we do not find a balance and we try to do it all we will get burnt out, be unhappy and watch our lives pass us by! Try to find a balance in your life. Try to realize that no matter what tomorrow will await more things to do. Live in the moment and try to set realistic goals.

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